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Joe Gaines Is Committed To Providing The City Of Louisville with the best personal injury law services!

Our Specialization


Car wreck injuries happen in the blink of an eye, upending people’s lives especially when they don’t know who to turn to. I learned this the hard way. Luckily, I had a great lawyer who helped me. Having a lawyer who cares about you and your case is important. My firm is here to help you. We will explain all of your rights and obligations pertaining to your injuries as quickly as possible. Helping you get back on your feet is what we do best.


Careless acts and accidents of store employees and other people can cause hazards to the general public. You are just walking along, enjoying your casual stroll through the supermarket, and the next thing you know you are laying on the ground in extreme, aching pain. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, wage loss, and pain and suffering from your fall. Call us quickly. Time is of the essence on injuries such as these.


I don’t know about you but here at the Joe Gaines law office, we love the doggies! Tiny, small, medium, large, all types of dogs are loved by us. All of us have dogs and we know the joy they bring to our lives. However, some people are bad dog owners and negligently or willfully make their dogs vicious animals that hurt humans and other animals. If you have suffered from an attack by someone else’s dog please contact us as soon as possible. We are here to help you.


Bicycle accidents are almost always devastating for the bicyclist. Most bicyclists who are hit by a vehicle are seriously hurt. A lot use their bicycle as their main mode of transportation as well. Most people don’t know that there may still be help in getting medical treatment covered for these types of injuries even if you do not have health insurance. Call us and we will show you the way to a quick and hopefully speedy recovery.


Children are the most precious things in the world. It is our job to provide for and defend them in every way we can. Schools should be taking the same amount of care with our children when they are supervising what the children do on school grounds. Many children get hurt because of the careless acts of other children, other people on school property, or even school administrators themselves. We are here to fight for your children if they suffer injuries as a result of teachers choosing not to watch or adequately supervise your children


Employee rights are not as limited as people think in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Employers are not allowed to discriminate against employees because of the employee’s race, gender, ethnicity, disability, and/or religion. Employers cannot retaliate against employees for seeking and/or complaining about wages that are not properly paid, retaliate for cooperating in a discrimination investigation, seeking workers compensation benefits, etc. If you feel your rights are being violated for any of these reasons give us a call.

Our Attorney


Joe Gaines has been practicing law for over ten years. He has lived in the Louisville area, namely the south-end Valley Station, PRP area, for over 25 years. He understands the issues Louisvillians suffer daily, practical and legal. He has been fighting for injured people since he was hit by a drunk driver in his first semester of law school.

How It Works?

Our Specialization

Our process is very simple to contact us today and we will get a hold of you and take care of the rest. We look forward to hearing from you.

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We will investigate about your case


We will fight your case in court

Why Choose Us ?

We Care On A Deeper Level

We treat you like family when you choose us to take care of your needs. Proper representation can be a huge difference-maker when it comes to fighting a case. We understand how much getting what you deserve means to you and we never take that lightly. We will always go the extra mile to get justice on your behalf. Joe has been a victim of a careless act when hit by a drunk driver in his first semester of law school. He understands your struggle and will fight for you till the very end.


You can trust us to do right by you and treat your situation with respect and care. You will be treated like family when you choose to let us represent you. If there is something that we can't help you with we will be sure to point you in the right direction as well.


Over Twelve Years of Fighting for people’s rights and helping solve your everyday legal issues. Joe Has been Handling business in the courtroom for a long time. You will receive top-tier representation.


We take great pride in doing things the right way and are well respected by all. All of your legal matters will be taken care of by the book.

© 2020 Justice. All Rights Reserved Big Play DiGital Solutions LLC